Oct 23, 2015

PHOTOS: An Abandoned 16th-Century Church Are Now Visible As Water Level Drop In South Mexico

Temple of Quechula
A drought in southern Mexico has caused water levels to fall so much that the remains of a long-abandoned, 16th-century church are now visible above the waterline.

The Temple of Santiago, also known as the Temple of Quechula, normally rests under nearly 100 feet of water since the completion of a dam in 1966 created the Nezahualcoyotl reservoir in Chiapas. But the drought has caused water levels to drop by more than 80 feet, leading to eerie sights such as this one:
The Associated Press reports that the church is 183 feet long and 42 feet wide, with a bell tower that rises 48 feet above the ground.

Source: etvghana

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