Jun 3, 2015

lg displayThe technology conference season is in full swing, and today we’re bringing you news from SID 2015.

The Society for Information Display (SID) conference in San Jose is the foremost event of the display industry, an opportunity for the biggest players to show their wares to prospective clients and partners. Among them, LG Display always has a big presence, and this year is no exception.

The display manufacturing arm of LG is showing off LCD and OLED panels for devices ranging from smartwatches to 4K TV sets, across a keynote address and 20 presentations.

This year, LG Display’s main attractions are large OLED panels for TVs, including this crazy bendable panel the thickness of a credit card that you can literally stick to a wall mount with magnets.

LG Display 18-inch flexible OLED panel

Another highlight is a flexible OLED panel that can bend at a radius of three centimeters without suffering any damage. This industry-first 18-inch flexible panel is another stepping-stone towards devices that bend, fold, and roll. Of course, manufacturers will need to adapt other components as well, but research on flexible batteries, circuit boards, and other components is well underway.

Other OLED panels that LG will show at SID include a 1.3-inch circular panel for smartwatches (probably the same display used on the G Watch R and Watch Urbane), a 5.5-inch curved panel (similar to G Flex 2), a 6-inch active bending panel (for flexible products?), and a 12.3-inch automotive display. LG will also be promoting its Advanced In-Touch and AH-IPS Plus technologies. The former offers a 20 to 30 percent improvement in transmittance, allowing for lower power consumption at the same resolution.

Stay tuned for more info on new display technologies from the SID 2015 conference, starting on the 2nd of June 2015.

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