Just call her Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, the Unburnt, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, Mother of Dragons and Sexiest Woman Alive.
. She follows in the sexy footsteps of Penelope Cruz, Scarlett Johansson and Mila Kunis.
“She manages to bring together a number of opposites, to make them natural: sweetness and toughness, emotionalism with a kind of cold-blooded determination,” Esquire writes in its cover story on Clarke. “Something in these contrasts explains her sex appeal, too. She can play queen and kid sister, dominatrix and pal.”
In the interview, Clarke also shared a story about her GoT audition, and how she essentially overcame all odds — ironically, her own physical appearance — to become the badass Mother of Dragons we all know and love (and fear).
My agent told the casting director, ‘I know that the breakdown for this character is tall and willowy and blonde. I know she’s short and round and brown, but I’d like you to see her.’ I had two scenes which told me nothing and not very much time in which to read all those books. So I did what every good actor does and Wikipedia’d the living crap out of it. (They wanted) someone who could grow before your eyes in one season. Who could gather strength and show vulnerability, they wanted the arc…
Clarke was also named “Woman of the Year” by GQ in September.
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