Aug 30, 2015

Hulk Hogan - I Wanna Be Donald Trump’s Running Mate

 Two interesting comments from Hulk Hogan — he’s NOT mad with the WWE for cutting ties with him over the N-word … and says he wants to make America great again, by running with Donald Trump!!!!

First, the WWE thing … it’s been more than a month since Vince McMahon wiped all traces of Hogan from the website after reports surfaced that he used the N-word in a racial rant years ago.

Even after several black wrestlers and celebs vouched for Hulk — saying he’s not a racist at heart — Vince has refused to bring him back into the WWE universe.

So, how does Hogan feel about being blackballed? Check out the clip … he views the situation more as a temporary “family” conflict and joked that the only “hard feelings” he’s going to have is “when I get [Vince McMahon] in the ring again.”

As for the Trump comments … Hulk says he thinks the country is finally ready for Vice President Hogan, brother.

Source: TMZ

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