Edwin Princess has starred in movies like ‘The Birds’, ‘Ibu’s Wedding’ amongst others. She was recently on a movie location in Festac Town (Lagos Stat), where she starred alongside Eze Nwora George, Ginika Maureen and others in her latest movie.
According to her,
"I can actually do anything as long as it adds meaning to the story. When you talk about nude, there has to be a connection. You don’t just go nude because you want to pull off your clothes. It means you have to be interpreting a role, a serious minded role that can wow viewers.
I can go extra miles to perfect my job and my career but not just go nude because I need to go nude. It has to really go along with the story and be meaningful.
When asked, What more should people expect from you? The actress said;
They should expect good works and appreciate what I’m offering, because I’ve just started to learn and I hope to give them my best in the nearest future."
Ref: vanguardngr
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