Jun 4, 2015

Below are the list of the top ranked Universities in Nigeria

Below are the list of the top ranked Universities in
Nigeria with brief explanation and the reason for their
positions in the ranking (first 20):

1. University of Lagos (UNILAG) :
University of Lagos (UNILAG) is a very know
University in Nigeria and a major player in Nigerian
Tertiary Education and have been in top five
Universities in Nigeria for over 10 years now and has
recently clime to the top. Known to have produced a
lot of prominent Nigerians, a choice of Nigerian
celebrities, perhaps as result of the location – Lagos.
All in all, Unilag is the best University in Nigeria and
the ranking totally agreed with me.

2. Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife (OAU) :
Obafemi Awolowo University was the ranked first
University in Nigeria before they were recently
dethroned by Unilag. Named after Chief Obafemi
Awolowo, a legendry Nigerian politician and one of the
fathers of Nigerian Nationalism, OAU is a force to
reckon in Nigerian Education and the raking is well
deserved for them, one position down is not bad
considering the fierce competition in Nigerian Tertiary

3. University of Ibadan (UI) : University of Ibadan
(UI) is known for her seriousness in studies and
have produced brilliant sets of students. One of
the most study oriented Universities in Nigeria.

4. University of Ilorin, Ilorin: South Western
Nigerian kept on showing they are the force to
reckon Nigerian Education and four Federal
Universities from the section makes the list of
the first four Universities in Nigeria. University of
Ilorin was ranked as the best University in Nigeria
two years ago but have went down to fourth this
year. I believe they are still fighting to regain
their lost position as they first but regaining the
position is another question altogether. They are
the first to lose the first position, are they?

5. Covenant University, Ota (CU) : Covenant
University is located in Ota and is own by Living
Faith Church aka Winners Chapel. Covenant
University is the best private University in Nigeria
and the 5 best University in Nigeria. The other
four above them are Federal Universities; this
means that Covenant University is ranked above
any State and Private University in Nigeria. Known
for their strict rules and regulations which makes
it a no nonsense University, the owner of the
school Bishop David Oyedepo said that he want
the school to be the best in Nigeria and seeing
it’s the fifth best, the school it’s on the way to
realizing the Bishop’s vision. CU is a very costly
University but it worth all the pennies – a penny
well spent so to speak!

6. Federal University of Technology, Minna:
Located in the state capital of Niger State,
Federal University of Technology, Minna the sixth
ranked Nigerian University which happens to be
the most ranked University in Northern Nigeria.
This epic rise of the school is a surprise and the
most of it, Northern University for a long time
have ranked above any South Eastern Nigerian
Universities. Good work by the institution.

7. University of Nigeria Nsukka : UNN used to be
the best Nigerian University but that was long
time ago. Good to see they are coming up in the
ranking after what can only be described by ‘the
law of diminishing return’. Seventh is not a bad
raking for the school but I think they are
University of Nigeria and should just act like it.
This is not me undertaking them, I just think they
should do better. UNN happens to be the highest
ranked University in South eastern Nigeria (for
now). They are arguably the school that
produced highest Nigerian Elites in all sectors.

8. University of Benin: Uniben have been in the
first 5 Nigerian University for the past decade,
ranking eighth of present means something
should be corrected somewhere. Let’s just hope
it will not take the institution long to rectify it. I
also hope the institution management should
know how to handle the menace of cultists in
Ekesodium. Uniben is the highest ranked Nigerian
University in South Southern Nigeria. Quality
Nigerian University.

9. University of Port Harcourt: Uniport is ranked
just behind Uniben and both should are from the
same South Southern region and are Federal. The
high cost of the school and the standard of
leaving in the city means they should do better.
Glad they are.

10. Ahmadu Bello University: ABU is a great
school, they are the biggest Nigerian University
and Second biggest in Africa (land mass) just
behind University of Cairo. A great school and
have proceed many prominent Nigerians like
Akiku Abubarkar and others.

11. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta : Tenth
ranked Nigerian University and the most ranked
Nigerian University of Agriculture.

12. Landmark University, Omu-Aran : Highly
ranked Nigerian Private University, relatively
unknown but the recent rank shows they are
making waves.

13. Rivers State University of Science and
Technology, Port Harcourt: Rivers State University
of Science and Technology is the most ranked
Nigerian State University and thirteenth ranked in
Nigeria. Great promises buy the school and have
been providing the quality for the cost of the

14. Federal University of Technology, Akure :
FUTA is great school, ranked fourteenth and the
second ranked Nigerian University of Science and
Technology (behind Federal University of
Technology, Minna).

15. University of Jos : Known for their great
teaching hospital, located in Jos, the capital city
of Plateau State, Unijos is still of the of the best
Universities in Nigeria, ranked fifteenth and the
third in Northern Nigeria ( behind FUTM and
ABU). Unijos is a great school and haven been
consistent for many years in the Nigerian
University ranking despite crisis and political
instability in the State and the City it is located.

16. Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka: Nau/Unizik
is now ranked sixteenth, a bit upgrade from the
recent ranking, not doing but I honestly think they
should live up to their hype. One of the fastest
Nigerian Universities in terms of academic

17. Lagos State University, Ojo: use to be in the
top 10 ranked Nigerian University but the recent
crisis in the school have brought it down to the
current seventeenth, expecting them to do much
better in the upcoming ranking.

18. Redeemer’s University, Mowe: RU is a private
University owned by the Redeemed Christian
Church of God, popularly known as The
Redeemed, the experience of the General
Superintendent of Redeemed I academics means
the school is in a very good have, though they are
a bit far from Covenant University in terms of
ranking, they are promising and is expected to do

19. Bayero University Kano: Another great,
popular and highly ranked Nigerian private

20. University of Maiduguri: Ranked 20 in
Nigeria and one of the best Federal Universities
in Northern Nigeria.

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