May 18, 2015

The Strength Of Your Handshake Could Determine Your Heart Attack And Stroke Risk

Even though handshaking may seem like a lost art these days, a firm grip was always seen as a sign of strength and confidence. Now, according to new research, a handshake could also predict your chances of suffering a stroke or heart attack. Who knew?

In a study published in The Lancet, the health of more than 140,000 people from 17 different countries was monitored between the years 2003 and 2009. Throughout that time, their hand grip was tested using a tool called a Jamar dynamometer.The faster their muscle strength declined, the higher their risks were for stroke and heart attack. The decline was also linked to earlier death.

"Every 11-lb drop in grip strength was correlated with a 16 percent rise in the risk of early death," reports. The results held true even accounting for factors such as age, tobacco use and physical activity. To explain the link between grip strength and heart health issues, lead researcher Dr. Darryl Leong says, "We think it fits the measure of someone's frailty, and frailty can be thought of as your ability to withstand having a disease."

Researchers also found that grip strength was a better indicator of risk than blood pressure. Although Leong says more research is needed to further explain the connection, he says testing hand strength is a "really quick and easy" way to reveal health problems.

"In resource-challenged settings this might be a useful test to identify patients that you think are at greater risk and need closer attention or might need more specific treatments."


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