May 29, 2015

Buhari promises increased prosperity to Nigerians

President Muhammadu Buhari is inheriting a country with many challenges including fuel shortages and militant group Boko Haram.
President Muhammadu Buhari is inheriting a country with many
challenges including fuel shortages and militant group Boko Haram.(REUTERS)

Nigeria's new President Muhammadu Buhari  has promised to bring "increased prosperity" to his country. He is the first opposition figure to win a presidential election in Nigeria since independence in 1960.

The former military general inherits a country facing crises on several fronts, from severe economic turmoil to Boko Haram's still-raging insurgency.

He says his government will prioritise the elimination of Islamist insurgent group Boko Haram, calling it "a mindless and Godless group" which is far removed from Islam.

Buhari made this announcement as he delivered his inaugural address in Abuja on Friday. The inauguration was attended by President Jacob Zuma, AU Chair Robert Mugabe and US Secretary of State John Kerry. The occasion was witnessed by about 180 million people.

Buhari is not new to office. In the 1980s he ruled Nigeria as a military strongman. This time though he ascended to power through the ballot. President Buhari will have his work cut out for him. He inherits a country with many challenges including fuel shortages and Boko Haram.

However many believe that his zero tolerance to corruption and his disciplinarian approach will hold in good stead in steering through these challenges. As the country's largest economy Nigeria is a key player on the continent who along with South Africa, steers Africa's economic direction.  President Zuma says this signals new impetus on relations between the two economic giants.

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