May 19, 2015

Best Study Tips That Will Enhance Your Learning Ability

Take responsibility for decisions
Realize that in order to succeed you need to make decisions about your priorities, your time, and your resources Pick the challenge from the best in your class. At some point it’s good to have a competitive attitude towards your studies. Interview the best students in your class to discover areas where you are lacking and put in some more effort to meet up. Exam should not only be your source of motivation.

See it as a game
I enjoy mathematics back then at school not because I was really good at it, it was because I enjoyed manipulating formulas and equations. You can adopt similar approach and I assure you you will always want to visit your books. See memorizing as game, try some memory stunts and you will never read to forget.

Center yourself around your values and principles
Don't allow friends and acquaintances dictate what you see as important important

Put your priorities first
make conscious effort to meet up with  priorities you have set for yourself, and don't let others, or other interests, distract you from your goals. Choose a time and pace of the day that’s right just for you. We all have our own peak period for a day. For me, it’s between 5PM and 11PM.Yours could be morning, afternoon, or evening? Find spaces where you can be the most focused and productive.
Prioritize these for your most difficult study challenges

Always make the best use of the first  45 minutes
Your brain will always get to its saturation point, at this point you will try to force yourself but it will seems as though nothing is entering. The best thing to do at such point is to either take a nap or a work. To allow your brain refresh.

Control what and how you eat
There are certain kind of foods that induce sleep, don’t eat such food whenever you want to study and also eat moderately. If you eat too much you might be too weak to study. In fact don’t eat to fill while studying it’s the best thing to do.

Enjoy yourself first before studying
What do you enjoy most, is it listening to music, playing video games, watching movies etc? it’s advisable you do those things first before sitting down to study. It helps loosen and open your mind and help you concentrate as well.

Always think of a win-win situation
Always set unattainable target for yourself. I want you to understand that our success in life is 10% the energy in us and 90% the vision of where we wish to be. It’s the vision of the glory that will come with our success that keeps us working when our energy fails.

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